Empirical Evidence
Disappointed today as I'd hoped to be able to purchase my new TV ... a Panasonic TX28PM11C from Empire Direct. They quoted me a decent enough price but delivery time of 10-14 working days. Shocking. I thought these warehouse places held massive amounts of stock. Still not sure whether I'll use the power of Kelkoo to source one cheaper and sooner - there's just something not quite right in my mind about using the less well-know online brands. It's a trust issue and I can't really put my finger on why I wouldn't but there you go.
Went and saw the chaps (Mark and Alex) from Creative Sponge on Friday. They treated us to a few beers and a decent chat about all areas of marketing and branding including some real down-to-earth perspectives on the future of the web and e-marketing. Their website's now advanced to a less embryonic state and gives a good taster of what's to come. Just as impressive as their hospitality and enthusiasm was the building they reside in. Andrew Gibbs' netherconesford development is incredibly welcoming. The history of the building is echoed throughout with original features but the place feels incredibly contemporary and worthy of such an aspirational and creative set of tennants. I can't wait until the rest of it is developed - including the wine bar.